[MIB Designer] help

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Sep 29 00:20:14 CEST 2004

Hi Seema,

Without knowing what you want to accomplish with your table,
it is hard to give specific hints. A few eneral ones are:

1. Index objects should be 'not-accessible'.
2. If possible, use a natural indexing.  Thus, use those objects for
the index that are unique for all rows. This avoids, that a manager
have to request values from the agent before it can start an optimized
query or before it can create a new row.
3. The table should not have too much columns. The values of a row
should always fit into the minimum PDU size supported by all systems
(agent & managers) in your network. Note, the minimum always
supported is 484 bytes (only).

A good resource about table indexing issues can be found here:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Frank Fock

Seema Gupta wrote:

> Hi ,
> How do you decide on the index of the table, what all things one 
> should keep in consideration while designing a table in the mib.
> Redgs,
> --Seema
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