[MIB Designer] New Releases: SNMP4J 2.5.7, SNMP4J-SMI-PRO 1.9.1, MIB Designer 4.1.6, MIB Explorer 4.2.0

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Aug 17 09:15:24 CEST 2017


New releases of SNMP4J, SNMP4JSMI-PRO, MIB Designer, and MIB Explorer are available for download.
Besides small fixes for the MIB parser, the MIB Designer and MIB Explorer releases are based on a new installation packing method and can now better detect if individual files need to be updated during startup.

For SNMP4J TableUtils and MIB Explorer the retrieval of wide tables (many columns) should be faster now.
In SNMP4J, you need to activate the new behaviour in TableUtils. For MIB Explorer it is the new default.
Here are the release notes:

SNMP4J Version 2.5.7:

* Fixed [SFJ-143]: TableUtils may return two or more TableEvents for the same row index if
  TableUtils is configured to request less columns in a PDU than provided for table retrieval and
  the agent returns the later sent columns earlier than the first sent.
* Added: Snmp.setMessageDispatcher(..).
* Added: BER BigInteger encoding and decoding necessary to decode/encode Diffie-Hellman parameters.
* Added: TLSTMExtendedTrustManager and corresponding Factory class.
* Fixed: Source object for ResponseEvents propagated from the ReportHandler of Snmp
  (was ReportHandler is now the Snmp class).
* Improved: Defined constant for AuthMD5 key length.
* Added: Supporting functions and constants for Diffie Hellman USM key exchange. DH key exchange
  will be available in SNMP4J-Agent 3.0.
* Improved: Performance of BER octet string decoding.

SNMP4J-SMI-PRO 1.9.1: Version 1.9.1 (Requires SNMP4J 2.5.6 or later)

* Fixed [SFJ-144]: MIB compiler does not check if an object is accessible in
* Fixed [SFJ-146]: SNMP4J-SMI allows empty BITS construct in SYNTAX clauses although
  this is not allowed by RFC 2578.

MIB Designer 4.1.6:

* Fixed [MDS-44]: When switching between MIB module tabs old errors could be
  displayed that are already fixed.
* Fixed [MDS-47]: Mac OS X: UI hangs when trying to import/compile MIB modules using
  Aqua look&feel file dialog for a second time.
* Fixed [MDS-36]: Installer did not check if already installed file is the same.
* Improved [MDS-46]: Multi-threaded RFC extraction
* Improved [MDS-48]: Enhanced copy&paste of MIB nodes with paste on leaf nodes like
  OBJECT-TYPE, TRAP-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE with "insert before" behavior.

MIB Explorer 4.2.0:

[2017-08-17] MIB Explorer 4.2.0

* Fixed [MXP-65]: Mac OS X with system look&feel (Nimbus): Dialog to choose
  installation directory is not shown and application hangs.
* Added [MXP-66]: Multi-threaded column retrieval for wide tables (enabled
  by default, can be disabled in Preferences->General).
* Improved: Installer now checks if already installed file is the same and
  skips it during installation/upgrade automatically. 
* Improved: Online help updated.
* Known issue: Context help is not working under Mac OS X with Nimbus look&feel.

Frank Fock


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