[MIB Explorer] Re: Setting Multi-Line Values?

Frank Fock fock@agentpp.com
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 20:30:58 +0100


I have CCed my email to the MIB Explorer Mailing list because
my answer may be of use for others too. I hope this is OK?

Keith Johnston wrote:

>Is it possible to set a value that has newlines in it using MIB
>explorer?  It seems like they are converted to spaces when I cut and
>paste into the set window.
Yes, setting a multiline text value is currently only possible with the 
* Open the instance to edit with the table view (by opening the table 
view on the
parent node of the MIB object definition).
* Paste the multiline text into the edit field of the MIB object.
* Change the string format to hex
* Replace occurances of 20 (space) inserted by the paste operation by
0A (line feed) or 0D (carriage return).
* Commit your changes before changing the string format back to ASCII.

MIB Explorer v1.6.1 will provide an option to allow direct multiline editing
with the table view.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

>Fetching multi-line values seems to work fine. When I cut and paste the
>fetched value, the value has the newlines.