[MIB Explorer] Feature resquests

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Oct 21 00:13:54 CEST 2010


Many thanks for your feature request. I always appreciate such feedback!

Please find my comments inline below:

On 20.10.2010 17:41, Broekhuizen, Rene wrote:
> As a newbie to SNMP, I am using MIB Explorer Lite v2.3 (for Windows) and noticed a few things that would make use of the tool more productive for me.
> 1.) I am a test engineer and as such I have to report to others when errors are found in their code, in this case in their MIB files. If errors are found by the MIB Editor, then they are presented in the top half of the MIB Editor window. It would help me if the editor were able to export the error list to a text file (only when I choose to export it).
I will add this feature [MXP-10] for the next release
(MIB Explorer 2.4).

> 2.) When using the Table Editor, it would be appreciated if you can enhance the table view and refresh option:
> a.) The normal table view and the transposed view allow me to set the width and height of cells in the table, but they cannot be quickly optimized by double clicking on the dividing line between the row or column headers. Currently, double clicking on the dividing line (with the double-headed arrow) selects a column for sorting.

I have noted this request as [MXP-11]. I am not sure if it can be 
implemented with reasonable effort. I will check that.

> b.) When I click the table refresh button, the width and height adjustments I made are forgotten and the table reverts to the default view.

This is a feature [MXP-12] I had planned for the 3.0 release. May be I 
can also include it into 2.4.

> c.) I would like to get more flexible settings for the automatic table refresh time, for example in increments of 1 second upto 2 minutes, and then in increments of 1 minute above that.

You can specify such values already, simply enter the number of seconds 
in the combo box.

> d.) Some index numbers for tables that present arrays of data (the last two digits of the OID, each displayed in cells with a different background color) seem to be in a slightly larger font than the other table data, causing little arrow heads to appear that then go away when I increase the size of the cell in that direction. Could you make the font sizes in the table all the same, to avoid this distraction?

Can you send me a screenshot of that? The font size should be the same,
maybe its a problem with the look&feel?

> I may have more requests or questions later, when I am a more experienced user.
You are welcome.

Best regards,
Frank Fock
> René Broekhuizen
> Test Engineer
> 605.978.4615 (desk)
> 605.978.4770 (EVT lab)
> rene.broekhuizen at sencore.com
> Sencore, Inc
> Sioux Falls, SD.
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