[MIB Explorer] Look & Feel

Broekhuizen, Rene rene.broekhuizen at sencore.com
Mon Oct 25 16:09:53 CEST 2010

Now I can see the "Kunststoff" look.
Apparently it depends on switching with the proper "Exit" command from
the File menu to be effective. If the switching of Look & Feel cannot
always be done with the 'X' exit in the corner of the window, then
perhaps it should be explicitly documented.

This look is quite similar to the "Metal" look, which has a few purple
accents that this doesn't have.

For the others, I still cannot really see a difference between them, but
I assume there is a difference if I look really close. My screen is set
to high resolution, so all details are rather small.



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 16:37:26 +0200
From: Frank Fock <fock at agentpp.com>
Subject: Re: [MIB Explorer] MIB Explorer 2.3 Lite - bugs in trap
	display	setting and Look & Feel
To: mibexplorer at agentpp.org
Message-ID: <4CC1A1A6.9030208 at agentpp.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

The "Plastic.." look&feels are similar to the Windows
look&feel but a bit nicer.
The Motif and the Kunstoff are very different from
the rest.

Could you please switch to "Kunstoff" exit MIB Explorer
(not using x-Button, but using "Exit" from the file menu)
and then restart it and make a screen-shot afterward?

Thanks in advance,

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