[MIB Explorer] MIB Explorer Pro/Lite 3.2 Released

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue Oct 22 01:18:26 CEST 2013


MIB Explorer Lite and Pro version 3.2 have been released. Both releases
contain several usability enhancements and bug fixes as well as
TLS 1.1 and 1.2 as well as Cisco's special AES 192/256 implementation


* Added: [MXP-28] Added interoperability mode for AES 192 and 256
   implementations that do not conform to
   but instead use the key extension algorithm specified by
* Improved: RFC to SMI conversion is now more robust regarding
   very long page headers.
* Added: RFC to SMI conversion tool now allow specifying the
   minimum number of RFC page break header lines skipped (per page)
   during RFC parsing.
* Added: MIB module export can now append the file name of the
   imported file.
* Fixed: Context help for Preferences and Target configuration.
* Fixed: PDU dialog not opened responses dialog in certain
* Improved: Font can be set for online help.
* Added: TLSv1.1/v2 support with Java 7_0_25 or later.
* Fixed [MXP-5]: MIB Explorer Packet panel does not highlight SNMPv3
   security parameters correctly if packet contains long length
* Improved [MXP-23]: Improved Target Settings view:
   - Improved autocommit of cell editor changes.
   - Added "Duplicate Target" function in context menu.
   - Multi-selection to delete more than one target at once.
   - Reorder (up/down) of entries
   - Check target(s) for validity by sending a GETNEXT request on from the context menu.

Best regards,
Frank Fock

Maximilian-Kolbe-Str. 10
73257 Koengen, Germany
Phone: +49 7024 8688230
Fax:   +49 7024 8688231

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