[MIB Explorer] SNMP4J 2.5.0 and MIB Explorer 4.1.4 Released

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue May 3 23:51:31 CEST 2016


SNMP4J 2.5.0 has been released and is now also available at Maven Central.
All other SNMP4J open source packages will also be updated and then 
on Maven Central too.


SNMP4J 2.5.0:
* Added [SFJ-120]: Maven Central deployment support (refactored pom.xml).
* Fixed [SFJ-118]: DefaultTcpTransportMapping: SocketEntry instances 
created for incoming TCP connections
   are not immediately removed when connection is closed remotely.
* Fixed [SFJ-119]: Snmp: NotificationListener cannot be registered with 
custom configured TransportMapping.
* Fixed [SFJ-121]: DefaultPDUFactory.createPDU does not set contextName 
and contextEngineID on ScopedPDU
* Fixed [SFJ-124]: ArgumentParser cannot parse formats with default 
values for parameters correctly.
* Added: Added MaxAccess, SubIndexInfo, and SubIndexInfoImpl to better 
support MIB specification
   based SNMP operations.
* Improved: Added custom OID configuration support for non-standard 
security protocols in
* Added PrivGeneric to reduce code size.
* Added SecurityPrivacy.isSupported() to be able to test security 
protocol support by JVM.
* Fixed return parameter type of ArgumentParser.parse(..).

MIB Explorer 4.1.4:
* Improved: Settings are saved when application is closed using the main
   window's x-button.
* Improved: Warning message about unsupported security protocol will not
   be shown anymore, if protocol is empty (non-selected) but a password
   is given.
* Improved: Better readability of notification nodes in the MIB tree
   using higher contrast color.
* Improved: 64x64 icon sharpness.
* Added: SMI syntax error checking for negative ranges for unsigned
   numeric values.
* Fixed: NPE could occur in SMI parser when checking SEQUENCE constructs
   (strict parsing only).
* Fixed: Possible NullPointerException in IMPORT check (strict parsing 

Best regards,
Frank Fock

Maximilian-Kolbe-Str. 10
73257 Koengen, Germany
Phone: +49 7024 8688230
Fax:   +49 7024 8688231

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