[SNMP4J] Strange problem with multithreaded SNMPv3-Scan

chk-world at gmx.de chk-world at gmx.de
Fri Nov 12 09:01:10 CET 2004

Hi again,

and thanks for your help (though it didn't helped me).
As allready mentioned I increased the buffer size. Also I changed the close
function. Now only snmp.close() is performed.

Also I checked under windows 2000 with the same code than under Linux with
the same effect. If there are more than 4 threads doing a synchronous send I
get sometimes null as response on reqests that do  work when working with
less threads. Also in some cases I get "NotInTimeWindow" or
"usmStatsWrongDigests". This makes me thinking about what could be wrong all
the time. But I'm doing nothing more than a simple GET.

> What could be the problem cause is your implementation
> of the "close()" function. It removes the security model
> USM from the security models. Since the close method
> is run concurrently, you remove the USM while other
> requests are still outstanding. The response cannot be
> decoded then (if it is a SNMPv3 request).

Btw.: When I do SecurityModels.getInstance().addSecurityModel(usm); why not
Integer32(usm.getID())); after the response is back with null or something

Any more ideas? I could also provide you with a complete example if you

Best regards

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