[SNMP4J] Table Listeners and multi-threading

pasteman8-agentpp at yahoo.com pasteman8-agentpp at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 13 23:22:52 CET 2004


My question is this:
If I use table utils in a multithreaded application in
a way that each thread is set to retrieve a table by
using table utils, I assume that each thread will also
be a listener and will get its own callback called
when a row is read from the table.
My question is:
1. Is there a way to make a 'centralized' callback? I
assume that there is, technically, by using a static
method and passing the correct user object to it or
some other way maybe (If anyone has a good idea, I
would be happy to hear it). The question is if this
thing can work properly.
2. If the callback is per-thread, is it more or less
efficient that using a standard 'walk' for the table
instead of using a listener. What about a 'central'
callback in terms of efficiency?


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