[SNMP4J] Sending a trap/notification to a subset of the SnmpTargetMIB

Matthias Wiesmann matthias.wiesmann at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 09:27:26 CEST 2005

Hello everybody, 

Im am writing an agent that should send on a regular basis
traps/notifications to a subset of the targets present in the
SnmpTargetMIB but I see no convenient way to do so.

The default NotificationOriginator used by the BaseAgent does not
offer any method to notify a subset of all targets. I there a way to
do this without rewriting most of the functionality defined in class

Method sendNotification as well as all the table index definitions are
private. I can't use them from my code, so the only solution I see at
the moment is either to copy/paste a lot of code, or modify the
original NotificationOriginatorImpl to add the methods I would need.

Basically, I would need something like 

public ResponseEvent[] notifyTag(OctetString tag, OctetString context,
OID notificationID, VariableBinding[] vbs) {

Did I missing something? 

Thanks in advance...

Matthias Wiesmann

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