[SNMP4J] MIB file parsing

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Dec 8 22:56:53 CET 2005

Fabian Nart wrote:

> Is there any feature in SNMP4j to parse MIB-files and use the 
> information they supply?

Besides SMI4J and Mibble, there is also my JASMI package which
provides advanced MIB parsing for 549 US$ per development license
(no runtime fees). You can evaluate it from http://www.mibdesigner.com

It has been stressed here several times, nevertheless I would like to
emphasize again, that the importance of MIB information at runtime is
often overrated. For non-generic applications and agents, it is better to
use MIB information at compile time. Here AgenPro can help you to
generate Java code from your MIB files (http://www.agentpp.com).

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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