[SNMP4J] SNMP4J newbie (3)

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Dec 15 23:27:17 CET 2005

Hi Marco,

Please find my answers inline:

Marco.Bresciani at alcatel.it wrote:


>BUT I have some questions:
> - what about the target URL?! targetURL = GenericAddress.parse(address + 
>":" + pIPAddress + "/" + pPort); where and how I have to use it to say 
>"connect to this address"?
SNMP is connection less protocol. Thus, you specifiy the target for each 
SNMP message
you send.

> - message processor and USM seem detached from Snmp instance. How can I 
>manage them?
Both are tightly coupled with the Snmp instance. Both cannot be used by 
Snmp instance at the same time.

> - the security model defined by the USM is related to Snmp instance too?
The USM is a SecurityModel.

> - please clarify me the difference between security name/password and 
>privacy name/password. Also, what about protocols OID? Are they related to 
>my device MIB?
There exists no "privacy name" and no "security password". There is only 
one security name
which is a sort of "user name" or "security profile selector ID". The 
authentication password
is used to authenticate SNMPv3 messages and the privacy password is used 
to encrypt
SNMPv3 messages.

>Thank you in advance for any help anyone could give me... and sorry for my 
>bad written English and my "newbie-ness".
No problem - I am not a native speaker either ;-) and we all are newbies 

Best regards,


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