[SNMP4J] adding localized users for SNMPv3

Chris Oklota coklota at auspicecorp.com
Thu Dec 22 16:15:06 CET 2005


Looking through the snmp4j examples for sending an SNMPv3 request, it
looks like when you initially add a user to the USM, the engine ID is
unknown, so it is stored as an empty octet string. After the engineID is
discovered, the user entry is created with the localized keys (based on
the discovered engine ID and the user's passphrases).

My question is: is it possible to add a user to the USM with a set of
already localized keys before the engine ID has been discovered? Can I
call addLocalizedUser() with an empty engine ID, and will the stack
discover the engine ID but leave the localized keys as is?

Thanks for your response, and for an excellent SNMP stack!

-Chris Oklota

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