[SNMP4J] SecureRandom freezes JVM

Sasa Markovic saxon at eunet.yu
Mon Jan 24 15:05:59 CET 2005


Did anyone get into problems with the org.snmp4j.security.Salt class?

Basically, I had no problems with SNMP4J on any platform until I tried 
to port my application to a Gentoo Linux box (Linux collector 
2.6.9-gentoo-r13 #1 SMP Sat Jan 8 21:54:05 CET 2005 i686 Intel(R) 
Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux). Apparently, my JVM freezes 
somewhere in the Snmp() constructor. All JVM versions are affected (1.4, 

I had a hard time trying to locate the "freezing point" in the SNMP4J 
source code. Well, I am quite sure that it happens on the next two lines 
of the Salt class:

SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
sr.nextBytes(rnd);   <------- THIS LINE FREEZES JVM

Ok, it's easy to skip these two lines and force code to work. I am just 
curious why this happens. Any ideas?

Sasa Markovic.

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