[SNMP4J] TestAgent and BaseAgent

Muralidharan Narayanan murali at TriveniDigital.com
Fri Jul 1 21:49:43 CEST 2005

Hello All,

I am looking at the TestAgent.java (& BaseAgent.java) example. I am
interested in running the TestAgent as SNMP agent and sending trap messages
to SNMPRequest example as SNMP manager also running on localhost.
I see that TestAgent (& BaseAgent) sends a trap message when it initializes
in finishInit method. In order for TestAgent (& BaseAgent) to constantly be
sending traps (for testing purposes), I added a while loop in the run method
of BaseAgent that sends trap every 15 seconds.
At the SNMPRequest side, I am wondering what are ALL the options for me to
run SNMP manager in listener mode and capture the traps. Basically, I see
that one valid example of command line arguments is
"-u public -Ol"
I am wondering how the following options can be used if SNMPRequest is going
to be capturing my traps from TestAgent
-Ca|g|e|s|t|u ??
In other words, I do not understand what these options are and if they will
be useful in my above test case?

Thanks for your help.

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