[SNMP4J] Sending SNMPv3 trap using engine ID?

Robert Baruch autophile at zoominternet.net
Thu Jul 7 18:13:11 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I'm trying to send an SNMPv3 trap and receiving it using net-snmp's  
snmptrapd, by using the "how to send an snmpv3 trap" tutorial from  
net-snmp (http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/tutorial/tutorial-5/ 
commands/snmptrap-v3.html). Here's how I'm running snmptrapd:

     snmptrapd -c ../etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf -d -DALL -Lo

snmptrapd.conf contains only this line:

     createUser myuser MD5 mypassword DES myotherpassword

Using net-snmp's snmptrap utility, I am able to send the trap:

     snmptrap -e 0x0102030405 -v3 -u myuser -a MD5 -A mypassword -l  
authNoPriv localhost 42 coldStart.0

However, using the equivalent on the snmp4j console tool, apparently  
the engine ID is not set according to the -e option in the trap:

   snmp4j -v 3 -p TRAP -u myuser -e 0x01:02:03:04:05 -a MD5 -A  
mypassword udp:

Is there any way to force the use of the authoritative engine ID on  
the commad line in the trap?



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