Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue Mar 15 22:09:56 CET 2005

SNMP4J v1.2 RC is available for downloaded from

The new version contains several bug fixes and refactorings.
'Target' is now an interface and the former abstract class Target
is now implemented by AbstractTarget. Due to the change from
abstract class to interface, SNMP4J v1.2 is not binary compatible
with earlier version. Thus, please recompile your sources when
upgrading to v1.2.


CHANGES since v1.1.1:

* Changed: Target is now an interface (as an abstract
  class). AbstractTarget has been introduced which
  implements the same functionality as the former Target
  object. CAUTION: v1.2 is therefore *not* binary compatible
  with older versions. Please recompile your classes when
  upgrading to v1.2!
* Fixed: Snmp.trap threw always an exception.
* Added: USM.updateUser(..) and new constructor that accepts
  a custom SecurityProtocols set.
* Added: zeroDotZero to SnmpConstants.
* Changed: Log4J logging is now wrapped by the Apache
  commons logging to be more independent regarding the
  used logging framework.
* Fixed: notInTimeWindow report was sent with wrong
  securityLevel (should be authNoPriv - was noAuthNoPriv).
* Improved: StateReference now also holds the TransportMapping
  that was/should be used to communicate with the peer.
* Fixed: Added missing clone() method to TimeTicks.
* Added: Range option for plain OIDs for the command line
  parsing of the SnmpRequest command line tool. The range
  specification allows more convenient specification of the
  columns of a table (for example '').
* Fixed: JavaDoc of Snmp class used deprecated methods.

Frank Fock

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