Gregor B. Rosenauer gregor.rosenauer at siemens.com
Thu Mar 17 11:41:14 CET 2005

A good alternative might be Apache UGLI in conjunction with log4j1.3:


It does not suffer from JCL's ClassLoader-problems and might save you 
from hard to find bugs obscured by JCL.

The big advantage is that you can use log4j 1.3's exceptionally *cool* 
parameterized log messages (see link) instead of being limited to the 

A minor drawback is that it's only available with log4j *1.3* which is 
still alpha (though alpha6 is already widely used and stable).

"Authors of widely-distributed components and libraries may code against 
the UGLI interface in order to avoid imposing an logging API 
implementation on the end-user. At deployment time, the end-user may 
choose the desired logging API implementation by inserting the 
corresponding jar file in her classpath. This stupid, simple but robust 
approach avoids many of the painful bugs associated with dynamic 
discovery processes. Life is too short to be spending it hunting down 
class loader problems."

I'm not biased against one or the other framework, just researching this 
topic currently and want to share the info I got so far.


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