[SNMP4J] Re: BufferOverflowException while encoding a GETNEXT PDU

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon May 2 21:31:21 CEST 2005

Hi Tejo,

Are you using v1.5 yet?


Tejo Vamsi wrote:

>Hi Frank, All,
>I observed a very uncommon exception when SNMP4J was
>trying to encode a big 
>(contains 16 varbinds) GETNEXT PDU. The code actually
>failed, when it was
>trying to encode the OID of the last varbind, because
>it tried to write beyond
>the allocated buffer size. I suppose, this situation
>of exceeding the buffer size
>should not occur as the code pre-computes the buffer
>size needed for this encoded
>PDU and passes that stream to the encode method. I am
>not really sure what is
>causing the problem. I did not observe this scenario
>in case of other 
>GETNEXT PDUs. Any specific areas where I need to
>investigate to fix the problem
>? By the way is there any limit on the OID length ?
>Following is the stack trace I got:
>	HeapByteBuffer(Buffer).nextPutIndex() line: 419
>	HeapByteBuffer.put(byte) line: 145
>	BEROutputStream.write(int) line: 65
>	BER.encodeOID(OutputStream, byte, int[]) line: 429
>	OID.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 205
>	VariableBinding.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 176
>	ScopedPDU(PDU).encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 465
>	ScopedPDU.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 127
>	MPv3.prepareOutgoingMessage(Address, int, int, int,
>byte[], int, PDU, boolean, PduHandle, Address,
>BEROutputStream) line: 601
>	MessageDispatcherImpl.sendPdu(TransportMapping,
>Address, int, int, byte[], int, PDU, boolean) line:
>	Snmp.sendMessage(PDU, Target, TransportMapping) line:
>	Snmp.send(PDU, Target, TransportMapping, Object,
>ResponseListener) line: 783
>	Snmp.send(PDU, Target, Object, ResponseListener)
>line: 771
>Thanks for your time.
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