[SNMP4J] Re: BufferOverflowException while encoding a GETNEXT PDU

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed May 4 02:02:39 CEST 2005

Hi Tejo,

Can you send me the OIDs you use in your GETNEXT? This
will facilitate reproducing the problem.

BTW, the OID length in SNMP is limited to 128 sub-identifiers.

Thanks in advance,

Tejo Vamsi wrote:

>Hi Frank,
>Yes I am using v1.5 only.
>--- Frank Fock <fock at agentpp.com> wrote:
>>Hi Tejo,
>>Are you using v1.5 yet?
>>Tejo Vamsi wrote:
>>>Hi Frank, All,
>>>I observed a very uncommon exception when SNMP4J
>>>trying to encode a big 
>>>(contains 16 varbinds) GETNEXT PDU. The code
>>>failed, when it was
>>>trying to encode the OID of the last varbind,
>>>it tried to write beyond
>>>the allocated buffer size. I suppose, this
>>>of exceeding the buffer size
>>>should not occur as the code pre-computes the
>>>size needed for this encoded
>>>PDU and passes that stream to the encode method. I
>>>not really sure what is
>>>causing the problem. I did not observe this
>>>in case of other 
>>>GETNEXT PDUs. Any specific areas where I need to
>>>investigate to fix the problem
>>>? By the way is there any limit on the OID length ?
>>>Following is the stack trace I got:
>>>	HeapByteBuffer(Buffer).nextPutIndex() line: 419
>>>	HeapByteBuffer.put(byte) line: 145
>>>	BEROutputStream.write(int) line: 65
>>>	BER.encodeOID(OutputStream, byte, int[]) line: 429
>>>	OID.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 205
>>>	VariableBinding.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 176
>>>	ScopedPDU(PDU).encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 465
>>>	ScopedPDU.encodeBER(OutputStream) line: 127
>>>	MPv3.prepareOutgoingMessage(Address, int, int,
>>>byte[], int, PDU, boolean, PduHandle, Address,
>>>BEROutputStream) line: 601
>>>	MessageDispatcherImpl.sendPdu(TransportMapping,
>>>Address, int, int, byte[], int, PDU, boolean) line:
>>>	Snmp.sendMessage(PDU, Target, TransportMapping)
>>>	Snmp.send(PDU, Target, TransportMapping, Object,
>>>ResponseListener) line: 783
>>>	Snmp.send(PDU, Target, Object, ResponseListener)
>>>line: 771
>>>Thanks for your time.
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