[SNMP4J] Concurrent requests for multiple agents.

Lilach Refaeli lilachr at allot.com
Mon May 16 14:21:51 CEST 2005



I have a multi-threaded Application, which sends requests to different
agents concurrently (synchronously).

It uses one instance of the SNMP object.


The USM user parameters (authentication passphrase, authentication
protocol ID, etc.) of all the agents are identical.   


My question is: 


Should I add a USM user for each agent?  How would the SNMP object know
which USM user to use for the sending operation?  (When is the agent-ID
discovery process activated?)

Is there a way to explicitly perform the agent ID discovery? (To add a
user and associate it with a specific engine ID)


When I add a USM user with no agent ID parameter and send requests
concurrently, I get an usmStatsNotInTimeWindows response or a timeout






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