[SNMP4J] v3 proxy forwarding with beta 6

Glenn Gerhardt (glgerhar) glgerhar at cisco.com
Fri Aug 4 18:04:08 CEST 2006

I have been doing some further proxy testing with v3.
The exceptions seen back in beta 4 appear to be gone.
I have noted the following issues still lingering:

Doing v3/v3 proxy, the get request timed out.
With a sniffer I was able to determine that the ContextName and 
ContextEngineID of the original request were not put back into the 
scoped PDU fields of the response.  As a result, my client snmpget 
application did not recognize the response.  I believe this is much 
like the bug I reported yesterday with the response ID not being put
back into the response of v1 and v2c.

When doing v1/v3 proxy, I experienced another
due to the call to getMaxRepetitions and getNonRepeaters.  This is again
to the issue I had yesterday with the exceptions on the set forms of
these when 
doing v2c/v2 proxy.

Thanks again for all your help.   Beta 6 is looking better!

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