[SNMP4J] Released: MIB Explorer Pro/Lite 1.7.4

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Aug 17 23:12:02 CEST 2006

MIB Explorer 2 has been updated to version 2.0.7.
The 2.0.7 packages can be downloaded from


- Added: Support for obsoleted BIT STRING SMI type
   for backward compatibility with 20 year old RFC 1442
   implementations. See General Preferences to activate
   BIT STRING support.
- Added: Scripts now support downloading files from
   URLs as string or file on the local file system.
   You can use that for instance to automate configuration
   download (if available via HTTP).
- Added: Optional GZIP compressed storage of MIB modules
   in MIB repository. Deactivate it in Preferences if
   you work with MIB Designer or AgenPro on the same
   repository if either version is prior to 2.5.
- Fixed: PDU panel did not refresh NULL syntax with
   actual syntax of the received object.
- Fixed: Monitor index recalculation on request
- Fixed: StackOverflow exception when parsing a MIB module
   with syntax error and no "END" tag.
- Improved: Reduced memory consumption during MIB
- Fixed: Possible NullPointerException when using TCP
   as transport protocol.
- Added: Index length checks for IMPLIED and total minimum length
   (which must be less than 128).
- Improved: Positioning on selected error in compiler log
   in MIB editor.
- Improved: Formatting of SYNTAX and STATUS clause of the
   OBJECT-TYPE construct when exported to HTML/plain text.
- Improved: MIB repository search uses now all CPUs of the
   system for faster searching.

Frank Fock


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