[SNMP4J] need a quick start to SNMP application event monitoring using SNMP4J

San Dinh cabosandinh at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 16:50:23 CEST 2006

Hello all,  I just found this product/tool this 
morning and is requesting some assistance from the 

  I am not trying to deploy a full blown SNMP enabled
network, I just want a quick/simple method to send
an SNMP msg from my application, just to satisfy
a client's requirement.

  I want to send an SNMP message to an SNMP manager
(NetCool, AdventNet ... )
when certain events happened inside my application
(an SQL Exception, some task did not return desired
 return code, an event requiring logging  .... )

what do I need to install, run, and what specific
API do I need to call to initiate this.

Here's my example:

  Application X is running, X starts a thread
to get 5k bytes data from socket, X only got
4k bytes, X logs an event (*) and continue with
other Threads.

(*) I want to send an SNMP msg when X has to log 
    an event

Thank you for your time and assistance,


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