[SNMP4J] Threadpool.stop locks

Richard Tarczaly ricky at daxtechnologies.com
Tue Feb 28 20:31:35 CET 2006

First of I'd like to thank for the extraordinary job you made putting
the SNMP4j together.

I'm currently using the MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher with a Threadpool
to loadbalance incoming request responses, and once I'm done I do the
following steps :

1.) Check if udp_threadPool.isIdle()
2.) if yes call : udp_threadPool.stop()

My problem (possibly missunderstanding) is that stop will lock at this
point and will never finish, even if isIdle() returns true.

Therefore I must call interrupt() before stop().

Shouldn't a stop() gracefully finish and join the threads instead of
locking up (even if isIdle returns me true) ?

Thank you in advance,

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