[SNMP4J] dual processor architecture

Fridtjof Berlin fridtjof.berlin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 15:00:26 CEST 2006

Hi Frank,

I'm running into problems when using SNMP4j version 1.5 on Windows XP with a
dual processor architecture.

A received SNMP v3 message from an SNMP Agent seems not to be received
correctly and is not forwarded to the SNMP application.

The symptom is the following in an SNMP4j trace:

Message #30: org.snmp4j.mp.MPv3, DEBUG, "RFC3412 ยง 7.2.10 - Received PDU
(msgID=1997652449) is a response or internal class message, but cached
information for the msgID could not be found"

Message #31: org.snmp4j.MessageDispatcherImpl, WARN, "noError"

The problem has only been observed on a dual processor PC. This PC had
hyperthreading enabled. However, when hyperthreading was disabled, the
problem appeared much less frequently.

The problem does not appear every time the application starts up and it also
seems to be dependent on how much packet traffic is present on the Ethernet
interface. In environments with more traffic it fails more often.

Do you know what I could do to overcome the problem ?

Best regards,


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