[SNMP4J] IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled

Cavaretta Fulvio (CONS), IT fulvio.cavaretta.oa at pirelli.com
Tue Jun 6 10:45:49 CEST 2006

We are using the SNMP4J v. 1.7 stack in our application for managing SNMP agents.
Our application is running on a 4 CPU SUN 480 server. The java version is 1.5.0_05 run with the options " -Xms1024M -Xmx4096M -d64".
During normal activity our application is performing the polling towards the agents, simply getting a particular leaf. This activity is performed using asynchronous requests. In the response handler, if the polling is succesfull, we also perform some other get/set.
A few days ago we got a strange problem on the snmp stack: our application was using the 20% of the CPU (usually it uses less then 1%) and at every polling request we got the following stack trace:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled.
        at java.util.Timer.sched(Timer.java:354)
        at java.util.Timer.schedule(Timer.java:170)
        at org.snmp4j.Snmp.send(Snmp.java:861)
        at org.snmp4j.Snmp.send(Snmp.java:839)
        at com.tilab.common.device.snmp.SNMPV2Driver.asyncRead(Unknown Source)	
        at com.tilab.common.device.snmp.SNMPV2Adapter.asyncCheckConnection(Unknown Source)
        at com.tilab.common.device.tracker.TrackingTask.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)
        at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)

The exception is thrown when the application is tring to send the asyncrhonous polling request.
To solve the problem we had to restart our application.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Pirelli Broadband Solutions

Contact: Fulvio Cavarretta, ONE-ANS consultant
E-Mail: fulvio.cavaretta.oa at pirelli.com
           fulvio.cavarretta at one-ans.it

Phone: +39 02 6442 51400 


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