[SNMP4J] Are there products/users which successfully integrated this product?

Asaf Lehr (aslehr) aslehr at cisco.com
Tue Jun 6 13:36:55 CEST 2006

Im considering the use of various open-source libraries for snmp for a
component in my system.
The architecture and documentation of the library looks quite good. 
However , unlike mostof the other libraries publish a list of 
"satisfied" users/products in thier home site. The site
http://www.snmp4j.org does not contain such a list.
Can you tell which products used it successfully ? Im particullary
intrested in products which use it for NMS(Network Management Systems)
which communicates via snmp with bridges/routers/atm-switches.
If no product has used it until now for this purpose , there may be
"latent" bugs which were not discovered yet.

Assaf Lehr
aslehr at cisco.com <mailto:aslehr at cisco.com> , Phone:  +972 (0)9
892-7685 Software Engineer  , NMTG CMP VNE-Framework Team

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