[SNMP4J] Unsupported address class (transport mapping)

Carlos Vicente carlos.vicente at edisoft.pt
Wed Jun 14 20:20:13 CEST 2006



I've just recently started my way into SNMP protocol (newbie as a newbie
can get :-P). After some reading, I created a MIB file, and had a quick
look through libsmi library (since the agents will be implemented in C
or C++).

Since my main task is to create a JAVA manager, I got started with
SNMP4J, and I'm already having some problems.


After calling ():


            Snmp snmp = new Snmp(new DefaultUdpTransportMapping());


--> ResponseEvent response = snmp.send(pdu, target); <--


The following exception is thrown: 


org.snmp4j.transport.UnsupportedAddressClassException: Unsupported
address class (transport mapping): org.snmp4j.smi.TcpAddress



I'm using TcpAddress class to resolve a DN. After the name is resolved I
just pass the IP address to the CommunityTarget instance through
setAddress. I've also tried to use IpAddress, with the same result
(can't add a port number with this class but just wanted to check the


This is probably too obvious for you guys, but I would appreciate any
help on the subject.


Thanks in advance,


            Carlos Vicente



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