[SNMP4J] Writinf SNMP Manager using SNMP4J

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Sun Mar 26 22:35:29 CEST 2006


You can use a single Snmp object to receive
notifications on one or more ports and to
send SNMP messages from one port (transport

Setup the Snmp class as you would for request
sending and then call


with the local transport address on which you
would like to receive traps/notifications.

You wrote that one thread fails to send requests.
Cannot please elaborate how it fails, i.e. what
is the error message or behavior you observer?

Best regards,

Tsiyona.Dershowitz at alcatel.co.il wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing a SNMP Manager that is supposed to do the following:
> (1) Send snmp commands to snmp-agents, and handle their response.
> (2) Receive snmp traps from snmp-agents.
> I am using SNMP4J software package for writing the snmp manager.
> I would like to use a SINGLE Snmp object (SNMP4J object) , both
> for sending a snmp command and for receiving snmp traps.
> So far, I have written two separate programs:
> ****************
> *** Program 1:
> ****************
> ** The first program only listens for Snmp trap-PDUs.
> ** Its main code is as follows:
>  // configure Snmp object
>  UdpAddress address = new UdpAddress("");
>  TransportMapping transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping(address);
>  Snmp snmp = new Snmp(transport);
>  transport.listen();
>  // handle received traps here
>  CommandResponder trapPrinter = new CommandResponder() {
>   public synchronized void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent e) {
>    PDU command = e.getPdu();
>    if (command != null) {
>     System.out.println(command.toString());
>    }
>   }
>  };
>  snmp.addCommandResponder(trapPrinter);
> ****************
> *** Program 2:
> ****************
> ** The second program sends GET PDUs, and its main code is as follows:
>  // configure Snmp object
>  UdpAddress targetAddress = new UdpAddress("");
>  CommunityTarget target = new CommunityTarget();
>  target.setCommunity(new OctetString("public"));
>  target.setAddress(targetAddress);
>  target.setRetries(2);
>  target.setTimeout(10000);
>  target.setVersion(SnmpConstants.version1);
>  Snmp snmp = new Snmp(new DefaultUdpTransportMapping());
>  snmp.listen();
>  // prepare the PDU for sending
>  PDU command = new PDU();
>  command.setType(PDU.GET);
>  command.add(new VariableBinding(new OID("")));
>  // now send the PDU
>  ResponseEvent responseEvent = snmp.send(pdu, target);
>  if (responseEvent != null)
>  {
>   // response has arrived. handle it
>  }
>  else
>   System.out.println("null response received...");
> *******************************************************************
> I would like to unite these two programs into one, however, I cannot
> seem to
> properly allocate one Snmp object to handle both the sending and
> receiving of PDUs.
> I run two threads: thread-1 that does the listening for snmp traps,
> and thread-2 which in charge of sending get/set PDUs.
> I allocate the Snmp object in one place as follows:
>  TransportMapping transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping(new
> UdpAddress(""));
>  Snmp snmp = new Snmp(transport);
>  snmp.listen();
> and I transfer it to both threads to be used there.
> However, thread-2 sometimes fails to send PDUs using snmp.send(...);
> What am I doing wrong? 
> Can anyone guide me as for how I should allocate the Snmp object so
> it is good for both sending PDUs, and for receiving traps?
> Thanks,
> Tsiyona
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