[SNMP4J] Received response that cannot be matched to any outstanding request

Walker, Rob rob.walker at eds.com
Thu Oct 26 16:51:42 CEST 2006

I'm receiving:  Received response that cannot be matched to any
outstanding request.


A possible fix to this problem was suggested by. 


Have you tried to increase the timeout value?
Also consider UDP buffer sizes. That is, when
sending many requests in short time, then there
could be UDP buffer overflows.
Another common error is reusing PDUs between
concurrent requests without cloning the PDU/request



How do you increase the UPD buffer size?


I'm using this code snippet to construct the Transport Mapping;


        AbstractTransportMapping transport = null;


        try {

            transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping();


        } catch (IOException e) {

            // TODO



Thanks in advance,


Robert Walker



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