[SNMP4J] Create, update, delete a row from a SNMP table using SNMP4J ...

George Lamprakis glam at intracom.gr
Wed Sep 6 13:54:22 CEST 2006

Hi everyone,

I have just started using the SNMP4J and I would like to ask how can I create, delete, modify a row from a SNMP table using the SNMP4J library. I have found the method:

TableUtils.createRow(Target target,OID rowStatusColumnOID,OID rowIndex,VariableBinding[] values)

but how can I use this method to delete, for instance, an existing row. Moreover, what is the way of checking for errors? A sample code of error detection could be:

if((event=util.createRow(target,rowStatusColumnOID,rowIndex,values)) == null){
   throw new Exception("IO exception occured.");
   if(event.getResponse() == null){
       throw new Exception("Request timed out.");
        // what is the condition for error or success at this point ??????

Any help would be extremely appreciated.

Thanks in advance !!!


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