[SNMP4J] I: Code Generation

Rododendro Ivan ivan.rododendro at italtel-consultant.com
Thu Sep 7 17:44:56 CEST 2006

I'm using the latest versions of SNMP4J Agent and SNMP4J, 1.0 and 1.7.5 respectevely. 

When generating agent code with Agenpro 2.5.1 and its templates, I got the two following errors when building java code: 

"The literal 4294967295 of type int is out of range" on generated code   

private void createTestLemfEntry() {
    MOColumn[] testLemfEntryColumns = new MOColumn[9];
    testLemfEntryColumns[idxIndex] = 
      new MOMutableColumn(colIndex,
    ValueConstraint indexVC = new ConstraintsImpl();
    ((ConstraintsImpl)indexVC).add(new Constraint(0, 4294967295));


"The return type is incompatible with DefaultMOMutableRow2PC.getIndex()" on generated code 

public UnsignedInteger32 getIndex() {
   return (UnsignedInteger32) getValue(idxIndex);

The generation code fram the same MIB with previous version of libraries and agenpro was correct.

Thank you.

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