[SNMP4J] SET command problem with agentX

Vincent-v.LOPEZ at thalesgroup.com Vincent-v.LOPEZ at thalesgroup.com
Tue Sep 26 15:51:32 CEST 2006


I am trying to implement a subagent using the TestSubAgent class as a base. My code is basically the same, except that I have created my own managed object (extending MOScalar with an overridden constructor and isValueOk method) with a read/write access and they are initialized with default values on the sub-agent start up. 

As a master agent, I use the TestMasterAgent class from SNMP4J AgentX.

I succeed in reading values without any problem. The problem is when I try to perform a set command, the return of the command is ok, but the value of the targeted managed object is not updated. 
I understood that the update of a managed object is done in two phases. It seems that the prepare phase is done, but the commit phase never occurs (as I hit a breakpoint in the MOScalar prepare method, but never in the commit method).

Did I miss something in my subagent class or is there a problem when a SET command is processed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance.

Vincent Lopez.

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