[SNMP4J] Released: SNMP4J 1.8.1, SNMP4J-Agent 1.1, SNMP4J-AgentX 1.0 & AgenPro 2.6.1

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Mar 14 23:12:24 CET 2007

SNMP4J 1.8.1, SNMP4J-Agent 1.1, and SNMP4J-AgentX 1.0 have
been released and can be downloaded from

In addition, AgenPro 2.6.1 has been released to reflect
the latest changes to SNMP4J-Agent and to improve SNMP4J-
Agent code generation templates. AgenPro can be downloaded
from http://www.agentpp.com/agen/download/download.html

SNMP4J-AgentX 1.0 is now available under two different
licenses: GNU Public License 2.0 and a commercial license
that can be purchased from AGENT++.


SNMP4J 1.8.1 - CHANGES since 1.8

* Fixed: Race condition in DefaultTCPTransportMapping
   that could cause message loss because messages are
   accidentially never send (because at the same time
   another message came in).
* Improved: Snmp.addNotificationListener(..) sets the
   connection timeout to 0 for TCP transport mappings.
* Fixed: Snmp.removeNotificationListener(..) caused
   memory leak because it did not deregister the
   notification transport mapping properly.
* Fixed/Improved: Several code cosmetics and Serializable
* Improved: REPORT messages are now sent over the same
   transport mapping as the message reported on has been
   received. This improves firewall interoperability.

SNMP4J-Agent 1.1 - CHANGES since 1.0.1

* Added: DeniableEventObject to get a common interface
   for SNMP events that can be canceled by reporting
   a SNMP error status in the preparation phase of a
   SNMP SET request.
* Fixed: NPE in MOMutableColumn's
   removeMOValueValidationListener method.
* Improved: DefaultMOQuery now returns also the source
   Request object on whose behalf the query is executed
   to allow MOServerLookup listener to determine whether
   an update of a ManagedObject is necessary or not.
* Added: Runtime exception rethrow on thread boundaries
   controlled by this API when SNMP4JSettings.isForward-
   RuntimeExceptions() is true.
* Changed: MOFactory to allow sub-index creation for
   AgentX sub-agents.
   ATTENTION: Direct implementations of the MOFactory
   interface have to be adapted to this change.
* Added: BaseAgent.setDefaultContext to control the
   context for which objects are registered by BaseAgent.
* Changed: Made agentState protected in BaseAgent.
* Improved: Added MOServerListener.queryEvent
   method to properly notify query events that not
   necessarily result into a lookup of a managed
   ATTENTION: This requires that classes implementing
   the MOServerListener interface have to add this
* Improved: MOScalar can now fire MOChangeEvents
   to associated listeners.
* Added: MOQuery.isWriteAccessQuery to allow listeners
   of MOServerLookupEvents to distinguish between read
   and write access.
   ATTENTION: This requires that classes implementing
   the MOQuery interface have to add this method.
* Fixed: If a ManagedObject had been registered
   under a non-default context only, the agent
   returned it also on queries on context "".
* Changed: BaseAgent.finishInit() will no longer
   be called from within init() to better control
   agent startup. The user (subclass) is required
   to call it manually after init(). The user
   setup code has been moved to init() at the same
* Improved: BaseAgent controls now its own state
   so that initialization errors can be easily
* Added: BaseAgent can now be stopped by calling
* Fixed: CommandProcessor did not use coexistence
   info provided by SnmpCommunityMib correctly.
   Now mapping a community to a different security
   name is properly supported.
* Fixed: DefaultMOContextScope.isOverlapping did
   not honour contexts.
* Fixed: Added missing serialVersionUIDs.
* Fixed: SysUpTime threw exception after 248 days up.
* Fixed: sysOREntry was not registered by SNMPv2MIB.
* Changed: Made necessary changes for SNMP4J 1.8.
* Changed: Made member "model" of DefaultMOTableModel protected.
* Changed: MOFactory.createTableModel now takes three
   parameters! Implementors of their own MOFactory, will
   have to change the signature of their method.
* Improved: Speeded up table walk by using caching of
   recently accessed (from the same request) rows.
* Added: DefaultMOServer.getManagedObject(..) as a
   shorcut wrapper for a special "lookup" call.
* Fixed: BaseAgent did not set NotificationOriginator to
   its CommandResponder instance.
* Improved: Implemented FilteredRowIterator.remove().
* Fixed: tooBig error is now correctly returned and GETBULK
   responses are truncated if longer than maxResponsePDUSize.
* Improved: Duplicate registration check in DefaultMOServer.
* Fixed: Modifying vacmAccessTable entries with 'any' security
   model sub-index value.
* Fixed: Reporting of authorizationError state.
* Fixed: Log levels configured in snmp4jLogLoggerTable are
   now properly restored from persistent storage (StorageType
   is also no correctly handled).
* Added: Max. timeout for incoming request is now 1 min.
   by default (see requestList member initialization of
* Added: Counter64 skipping for SNMPv1 GETNEXT request
* Fixed: Snmp4jLogMib persistency and log level restore.

SNMP4J-AgentX 1.0 - CHANGES since 1.0 RC2

* Fixed: Issue with unremoved registrations (index and
   region) in master agent after sub-agent disconnect.
* Fixed: NPE in deallocateIndex(..) of
* Fixed: Unknown registration warning reported by
   master agent on single registration removal by
* Fixed: InvalidArgumentException when trying to
   unregister a previously registered row.
* Fixed: AgentXSubagent.removeMOServer did actually
   add the server instead removing it.
* Fixed: Resource cleanup in AgentXSubagent.connect(..).

AgenPro 2.6.1 - CHANGES since 2.6

- Improved: SNMP4J-Agent templates: AgentX compatible
   sub-index creation using MOFactory.
- Added: SNMP4J-Agent templates: Textual convention
   support for column creation using MOFactory.
- Updated: SNMP4J-Agent code generation How-To to reflect
   latest changes in SNMP4J-Agent 1.1.

Frank Fock


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