[SNMP4J] snmp walk gives variable results

Aaron Bajek abajek at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 19:16:16 CET 2007

I'm trying to use snmp4j to walk a couple devices to discover what
attributes they have.  The issue I'm having is that the response is
extremely variable.  Usually I get back 2 or 3 attributes.  Once every
15 or so requests I suddenly get 30 attributes or so.  Sometime I get
back no attributes and sometime it just hangs until the timeout.  I've
tried against several different devices and I get the same behavior.
I've tried running both with and without a base OID to start the walk.

I know UDP is unreliable but it seems hard to believe that I'd be
loosing 75% of the packets between two things plugged into the same

Am I missing something about SNMP or UDP that would cause this behavior?

Here is the command I'm running:

java -jar SNMP4J.jar -Ow -v 1 -c public -t 5000 192.168.X.X


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