[SNMP4J] Implementing an agent

inliner683 at gmx.de inliner683 at gmx.de
Thu Nov 29 14:28:56 CET 2007


I am currently developing an agent with SNMP4J. 
I already have looked at TestAgent.java and have
implemented an own agent similar to it, having a
simple MIB just for testing. 

It seems to me that the documentation is very poor,
so is there any professional support or other documentation
(the agent shall be used in production environment!)?
None of the javadocs make it clear which of 
of the methods have to be called before starting the agent.
For example if not calling setAgent(), init() or finishInit() 
before starting the agent, nothing works and one gets NullpointerExceptions.
Same goes for the boot-counter and config files. There is a no-arg
constructor ommitting these parameters, but if using this again NullPointerExceptions
occur. So setting boot counter and config file is mandatory? Why isn't it written
in javadoc? Implementing an agent is done by subclassing BaseAgent, but there's
is no hint what additional steps have to be done (e.g. init, set config files etc.). Does
any documentation exist which steps have to be taken to implement a minimal working

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