[SNMP4J] CounterEvent

Frederic Provot fprovot at parkeon.com
Mon Sep 24 09:29:14 CEST 2007

I've searched through the archive, but couldn't find informations about 
that: can anyone points me to an example or a manual about the use of the 
CounterEvent class.

I have use the SnmpRequest source file to make a listening agent, but now I 
have to manage requests. As a better option, I searched onto the web a 
complete example of a SMP4J snmp agent, thinking I would find a bunch a 
souce files, but no even one! It's not that I don't want to work, but it's 
generally  far quicker to start from working examples or a tutorial than to 
search lonely each trick and workaround from scratch...
If someone can give me such information, I'd be very pleased.

Best regards,

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