[SNMP4J] console tool (SnmpRequest) returns an incorrect value

Erik Torres Serrano etserrano at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 3 18:53:31 CEST 2008

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I'm using the console tool to search
for a given OID. The issue I'm having is that the response is
different to the response given by the snmpget application bundled
with net-snmp.

Search OID:

Values returned:

SNMP4J SnmpRequest: =
Net-SNMP snmpget: . =
STRING: SystemName

The correct value is the one given by
snmpget. What's more, a search of the successor OID
) with SnmpRequest returns the correct value for, and the same behavior is reproduced for different
pairs (for instance, a search OID = produces a
response OID =

Am I missing something?


Erik Torres

********* Execution traces *********

java -cp SNMP4J.jar:log4j-1.2.15.jar
org.snmp4j.tools.console.SnmpRequest -a MD5 -A MY_PASSPHRASE -u
monitor -v 3 -x DES -X MY_PASSPHRASE udp:localhost

Apr 3, 2008 5:51:24 PM
org.snmp4j.log.JavaLogAdapter log

INFO: UDP receive buffer size for
socket is set to: 55296

Received response after 481 millis

Response received with
requestID=994930613, errorIndex=0, errorStatus=Success(0) = "SystemLocation"

snmpget -On -v 3 -u monitor -n ""
-l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A MY_PASSPHRASE localhost sysName.0

. = STRING: SystemName

********* Testbed *********

OS: Ubuntu with Linux kernel 2.6.22
SNMP: NET SNMP 5.3.1 (Ubuntu build)
Java: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
(build 1.6.0_03-b05)
SNMP4J: 1.8 and 1.9.1c

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