[SNMP4J] Querying by variable name vs. numeric OID

Jeff Pople jeffpople at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 4 00:08:14 CEST 2008

I am aiming to provide a very simple web control
interface to a device, using SNMP4J behind the scenes.
  I have a prototype running which essentially uses
the SNMPRequest class and I can sucessfully issue GETs
and SETs to the device.

Now, if I use 'snmptrap' from the command line, I can
issue GETs by variable name (e.g sysName.0) but with
SNMPRequest, I have to use the numeric OID (e.g. - the label name fails a validation
check as non-numeric.

I am sure there is an easy way to do this with SNMP4J
but it escapes me. Can anyone help or even provide an



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