[SNMP4J] Question about mulit threaded trap sending

inliner683 at gmx.de inliner683 at gmx.de
Fri Feb 1 16:08:58 CET 2008


I have a question about multithreading and sending traps with snmp4j.

In particualar I use an agent implemented with snmp4j and use a custom
mib file. Here the method


can be called with appropriate parameters.

Now the question is, would it cause any problems, passing the possibility
to multiple threads to be able to call the above method?

It is not a question of performance, just if it is thread-safe.

I know about the ThreadPools that can be configured in the agent implementation,
but I think these are related to incoming threads and not to sending traps from
the implementation code of the agent.

Thank you.
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