[SNMP4J] RE: snmp get with partial indexes

Ori Liel OriL at Radware.com
Sun Jun 29 16:18:07 CEST 2008

I had some progress with this. 


It turns out tat this only happens when the missing index has value '0'.
A colleague of mine hypothesized that this is because the SNMP agent is
getting mixed-up with getting scalars (which requires adding '.0' at the
end). We haven't proved this yet. So it might be a bug with the SNMP
agent running on our device. 


I'm still be glad to hear any thoughts, 







From: Ori Liel 
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 11:14 AM
To: 'snmp4j at agentpp.org'
Cc: Oran Kushnir; Michael Yavorovsky
Subject: snmp get with partial indexes




I have the following SNMP problem: 


I'm dealing with a very large table, which has several index columns.
For example, let's say we have index columns: Index1, Index2, Index3. 


I want to get all rows where Index1="a" and Index2="b" (with no
restriction on Index3 value). The straight-forward solution would be to
get the entire table and search for the rows I want, but this is no
feasible due to the size of the table (on top of everything, I'm forced
to use SNMPv1 which doesn't have getBulk()). 


I need a way to get only the rows I want - as if the SNMP table was a
database table and I were writing a query. 



I've tried this solution: 


I constructed an OID that only includes only the values of Index1 and
Index2. A GET command for this OID returns "No such instance", since I'm
supplying an incomplete address, but I expected that GET_NEXT would give
me the first row where I1="a" and I2="b".


(in the example below, I was hoping to get the first cell of the second
row, but I actually got the first cell of the third row). 


Index1   Index2   Index3   column1 column2           

g          h          j           bla        bla

a          b          c1         bla        bla

a          b          c2         bla        bla

a          b          c3         bla        bla

x          y          Z          bla        bla



Right now I have no idea how to achieve what I need using the basic SNMP


Can anyone help? 





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