[SNMP4J] SNMP4J in Maven Repository

Paul Donohue snmp4j at topquark.net
Thu May 1 20:46:58 CEST 2008

The copy of SNMP4J in the Maven Central Repository is old (1.8.1):

Is there an official Maven Repository for SNMP4J somewhere?

If not, would you consider setting up an official Maven Repository for it, preferably automatically synched with the Central Repository?  (see http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html)

If not, could you manually update the Maven Repository?

If not, I can manually upload the latest SNMP4J (should I use 1.8.2 or 1.9.1e?) to Maven myself and ask them to manually add it to the Central Repository...  But I figured I'd ask the above questions before attempting this myself.


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