[SNMP4J] Multiple Switch Issue

fock at agentpp.com fock at agentpp.com
Wed Nov 5 10:49:38 CET 2008


The SNMP engine ID has to be unique!!!
See the SNMPv3 RFCs for details. To make
it unique it can, for example, be derived
from the systems IP address (but that alone
is not sufficient).

Best regards,

In continuation to my previous mail, I had a look at the USMTimeEntry and 
USMTimeTable classes and noticed that the SnmpEngineID is used as the key for 
the hashtable. So if this is the case, then when I have three unique engine 
id's I will have three entries in the table and there is no conflict. But when 
I have two unique engine ids but 3 agents, then the table maintains two entries 
for the three agents and this is a possibility of conflict. So if there was a 
conflict here, then my first question is that how did I get the right data the 
first time?

My next question is that in the checkTime method, I notice these lines

if ((entry.getEngineBoots() < time.getEngineBoots()) || 
((entry.getEngineBoots() == time.getEngineBoots()) &&
           (time.getTimeDiff() + now >  entry.getLatestReceivedTime() + 150)) 
||     (time.getEngineBoots() == 2147483647)) {
           return SnmpConstants.SNMPv3_USM_NOT_IN_TIME_WINDOW;

What is time.getTimeDiff? entry.getLastReceivedTime? I assume that time refers 
to the existing value in the hashtable and entry is a new entry that we are 
checking time for.

If I need to support similar SnmpEngine IDs, is manipulating the USMTimeTable 
to include the IPAddress along with SnmpEngineID as unique key, a good idea? Or 
if I get this error is resetting the time a good idea? This might not be good 
as per v3 specification though.

Please let me know your inputs on how I could support similar Snmp EngineIDs on 
multiple switches and me having a simultaneous session to all of them -> so 
that the USMTimeTable would store each of this entry in the hashtable? Any 
inputs would be very helpful for me.

Thanks in advance.

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