[SNMP4J] problem with BITS type

Tzahi Bergman tzahi at alcarmel.com
Mon Oct 13 12:41:18 CEST 2008

I got a problem when I'm trying to do a "set" for object that is type
I have read the discussion about BITS that the BITS is OCTET STRING and
this is how i should treat it, but it doesn't work.
the error that i got while trying to do the "set" is:
 errorStatus=Request PDU has incorrect length(8)

in my last mail you told me that without the mib definition it's hard to
tell what is the problem, so I'm pasting the mib definition of that
table in hope that someone can help me with this.

Mib Definition:

WmanIf2BsServiceClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        wmanIf2BsQoSProfileIndex                INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosServiceClassName            WmanIf2ServClassName,
        wmanIf2BsQoSTrafficPriority             INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQoSMaxSustainedRate            Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSMaxTrafficBurst             Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSMinReservedRate             Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSToleratedJitter             Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSMaxLatency                  Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSFixedVsVariableSduInd       INTEGER,            
        wmanIf2BsQoSSduSize                     Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQosScSchedulingType            WmanIf2SfSchedulingType,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqEnable                 TruthValue,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqWindowSize             INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqBlockLifetime          INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqSyncLossTimeout        INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqDeliverInOrder         TruthValue,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqRxPurgeTimeout         INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosScArqBlockSize              INTEGER,
        wmanIf2BsQosSCMinRsvdTolerableRate      Unsigned32,
        wmanIf2BsQoSReqTxPolicy                 BITS,
        wmanIf2BsQoSServiceClassRowStatus       RowStatus}

wmanIf2BsQoSReqTxPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      BITS {noBroadcastBwReq(0),
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The value of this parameter provides the capability to
             specify certain attributes for the associated service
             flow. An attribute is enabled by setting the
             corresponding bit position to 1."
        REFERENCE   "Subclause 11.13.12 in IEEE Std 802.16-2004"
        ::= { wmanIf2BsServiceClassEntry 20 }

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