[SNMP4J] catch GETBULK for dynamic table

Alexander Fooks afooks at allot.com
Sun Sep 28 14:32:36 CEST 2008

Hi, All,


I'm new in SNMP4J and looking for answer:


I use dynamic table defined in my MIB.  

In my scenario I need to catch event like GETBULK (getwalk at snmp-net) 

on whole table to fill the table from data base before return the


When I use recommended at  SNMP4J-Agent-Instrumentation-HowTo.pdf for
static table it doesn't catch the event.


public class NXTable extends DefaultMOTable {


      public NXTable(OID oid, MOTableIndex indexDef, MOColumn[] columns)

            super(oid, indexDef, columns);




      public void get(SubRequest request) {

            MOScope affectedOIDScope = request.getScope();







Could you advise how to do this.


Thank you in advance


Alex Fooks



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