[SNMP4J] NullPointerException while resending a GET request

George Tsaloukidis gtsal at intracom.gr
Thu Apr 16 09:22:20 CEST 2009

Hi Frank,

Just contacting you to inform you that I have tested the new code
and all went well.

Best regards,
George Tsaloukidis

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank Fock" <fock at agentpp.com>
To: "George Tsaloukidis" <gtsal at intracom.gr>
Cc: <snmp4j at agentpp.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [SNMP4J] NullPointerException while resending a GET request

> Hi George,
> Thank you for your excellent analysis!
> Please find my solution attached as a
> patch. Basically I needed to change
> PendingRequest subclass only.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> George Tsaloukidis wrote:
>> Dear Frank,
>> I have tested the solution with the usage of pendingRetry flag,
>> but the problem still remains.
>> I am afraid the pendingRetry flag is raised too late. As I wrote in the
>> first mail,
>> target object can be null in pduHandleAssigned() due to two different
>> reasons:
>> a)         PendingRequest was constructed from the original
>> PendingRequest
>> that had been canceled before the creation of the copy.
>> That means the thread of TransportMapping informed for the receive of the
>> response after the valuation of "retry" flag in PendingRequest.run()
>> method and
>> main thread managed to call the cancel method on original PendingRequest
>> before the creation of the copy. So the pendingRetry should become true
>> when the retry flag is evaluated and not after.
>>        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
>>          retry = (!finished) && (retryCount > 0) && (!responseReceived);
>>          if(retry)
>>          {
>>            this.pendingRetry = true;
>>          }
>>        }
>> By placing the assignment of flag inside the synchronized block, we are
>> sure that
>> the main thread is waiting for the notify call (so cancel cannot be
>> called).
>> b)         cancel() method of the copy PendingRequest was called.
>> This could only happen if main thread found that into the
>> pendingRequests list.
>> This means TimerThread managed to execute "pendingRequests.put(handle,
>> this);"
>> in pduHandleAssigned() and main thread removed it from the
>> pendingRequests list
>> and called the cancel() method before the access of target from
>> TimerThread.
>> We can use the pendingRetry flag to protect us in this case too.
>> The flag has to be raised before the insertion of the copy into the
>> pendingRequests list
>> and it can be turned again to false after the calculation of the "delay"
>> local variable.
>> I am looking forward for your comments,
>> George Tsaloukidis.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Fock" <fock at agentpp.com>
>> To: "George Tsaloukidis" <gtsal at intracom.gr>
>> Cc: <snmp4j at agentpp.org>
>> Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 1:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: [SNMP4J] NullPointerException while resending a GET request
>>> Hi George,
>>> Synchronizing the PendingRequest.cancel() method causes deadlock
>>> problems. The source problem is the early object release
>>> in that method. The retry creation phase can be protected by
>>> a simple flag that is true (on) while the next retry is being
>>> prepared and not yet sent.
>>> Please replace the PendingRequest class in Snmp.java with the
>>> code below (or the next nightly build) and let me know if
>>> the NPE goes away:
>>> Best regards,
>>> Frank
>>>   class PendingRequest extends TimerTask implements PduHandleCallback {
>>>     private PduHandle key;
>>>     protected int retryCount;
>>>     protected ResponseListener listener;
>>>     protected Object userObject;
>>>     protected PDU pdu;
>>>     protected Target target;
>>>     protected TransportMapping transport;
>>>     private int requestStatus = 0;
>>>     // Maximum request status - allows to receive up to two reports
>>> and then
>>>     // send the original request again. A value of 0 is used for
>>> discovery.
>>>     private int maxRequestStatus = 2;
>>>     private volatile boolean finished = false;
>>>     private volatile boolean responseReceived = false;
>>>     private volatile boolean pendingRetry = false;
>>>     public PendingRequest(ResponseListener listener,
>>>                           Object userObject,
>>>                           PDU pdu,
>>>                           Target target,
>>>                           TransportMapping transport) {
>>>       this.userObject = userObject;
>>>       this.listener = listener;
>>>       this.retryCount = target.getRetries();
>>>       this.pdu = pdu;
>>>       this.target = (Target) target.clone();
>>>       this.transport = transport;
>>>     }
>>>     private PendingRequest(PendingRequest other) {
>>>       other.pendingRetry = true;
>>>       this.userObject = other.userObject;
>>>       this.listener = other.listener;
>>>       this.retryCount = other.retryCount - 1;
>>>       this.pdu = other.pdu;
>>>       this.target = other.target;
>>>       this.requestStatus = other.requestStatus;
>>>       this.responseReceived = other.responseReceived;
>>>       this.transport = other.transport;
>>>     }
>>>     protected void registerRequest(PduHandle handle) {
>>>     }
>>>     public void responseReceived() {
>>>       this.responseReceived = true;
>>>     }
>>>     public synchronized void pduHandleAssigned(PduHandle handle,
>>> Object pdu) {
>>>       if (key == null) {
>>>         key = handle;
>>>         pendingRequests.put(handle, this);
>>>         registerRequest(handle);
>>>         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>>>           logger.debug("Running pending "+
>>>                        ((listener instanceof SyncResponseListener) ?
>>>                         "sync" : "async")+
>>>                        " request with handle " + handle+
>>>                        " and retry count left "+retryCount);
>>>         }
>>>         long delay = timeoutModel.getRetryTimeout(target.getRetries() -
>>>                                                   retryCount,
>>>                                                   target.getRetries(),
>>>                                                   target.getTimeout());
>>>         if ((!finished) && (!responseReceived)) {
>>>           timer.schedule(this, delay);
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>     /**
>>>      * Process retries of a pending request.
>>>      */
>>>     public synchronized void run() {
>>>       PduHandle m_key = key;
>>>       PDU m_pdu = pdu;
>>>       Target m_target = target;
>>>       TransportMapping m_transport = transport;
>>>       ResponseListener m_listener = listener;
>>>       Object m_userObject = userObject;
>>>       if ((m_key == null) || (m_pdu == null) || (m_target == null) ||
>>>           (m_listener == null)) {
>>>         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>>>           logger.debug("PendingRequest canceled key="+m_key+",
>>> pdu="+m_pdu+
>>>               ", target="+m_target+", transport="+m_transport+",
>>> listener="+
>>>               m_listener);
>>>         }
>>>         return;
>>>       }
>>>       try {
>>>         boolean retry;
>>>         synchronized (pendingRequests) {
>>>           retry = (!finished) && (retryCount > 0) &&
>>> (!responseReceived);
>>>         }
>>>         if (retry) {
>>>           try {
>>>             PendingRequest nextRetry = new PendingRequest(this);
>>>             sendMessage(m_pdu, m_target, m_transport, nextRetry);
>>>             this.pendingRetry = false;
>>>           }
>>>           catch (IOException ex) {
>>>             finished = true;
>>>             logger.error("Failed to send SNMP message to " + m_target +
>>>                          ": " +
>>>                          ex.getMessage());
>>> messageDispatcher.releaseStateReference(m_target.getVersion(),
>>>                 m_key);
>>>             listener.onResponse(new ResponseEvent(Snmp.this, null,
>>>                                                   m_pdu, null,
>>> m_userObject,
>>>                                                   ex));
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>         else if (!finished) {
>>>           finished = true;
>>>           pendingRequests.remove(m_key);
>>>           if (!responseReceived) {
>>>             // request timed out
>>>             if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>>>               logger.debug("Request timed out: " +
>>> m_key.getTransactionID());
>>>             }
>>> messageDispatcher.releaseStateReference(m_target.getVersion(),
>>>                                                     m_key);
>>>             listener.onResponse(new ResponseEvent(Snmp.this, null,
>>>                                                   m_pdu, null,
>>> m_userObject));
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>         else {
>>>           // make sure pending request is removed even if response
>>> listener
>>>           // failed to call Snmp.cancel
>>>           pendingRequests.remove(m_key);
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       catch (RuntimeException ex) {
>>>         logger.error("Failed to process pending request " + m_key +
>>>                      " because " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
>>>         throw ex;
>>>       }
>>>       catch (Error er) {
>>>         logger.fatal("Failed to process pending request " + m_key +
>>>                      " because " + er.getMessage(), er);
>>>         throw er;
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>     public boolean setFinished() {
>>>       boolean currentState = finished;
>>>       this.finished = true;
>>>       return currentState;
>>>     }
>>>     public void setMaxRequestStatus(int maxRequestStatus) {
>>>       this.maxRequestStatus = maxRequestStatus;
>>>     }
>>>     public int getMaxRequestStatus() {
>>>       return maxRequestStatus;
>>>     }
>>>     public boolean isResponseReceived() {
>>>       return responseReceived;
>>>     }
>>>     /**
>>>      * Cancels the request and clears all internal fields by setting
>>> them
>>>      * to <code>null</code>.
>>>      * @return
>>>      *    <code>true</code> if cancellation was successful.
>>>      */
>>>     public boolean cancel(){
>>>         boolean result = super.cancel();
>>>         // free objects early
>>>         if (!pendingRetry) {
>>>           key = null;
>>>           pdu = null;
>>>           target = null;
>>>           transport = null;
>>>           listener = null;
>>>           userObject = null;
>>>         }
>>>         return result;
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> George Tsaloukidis wrote:
>>>> Dear Frank,
>>>> I am using snmp4j version 1.9.3d for executing synchronous snmp GET
>>>> requests.
>>>> My application has many threads, but each thread uses its own
>>>> org.snmp4j.Snmp instance.
>>>> Sometimes I get the following exception:
>>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp$PendingRequest.pduHandleAssigned(Unknown
>>>> Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.MessageDispatcherImpl.sendPdu(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp.sendMessage(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp$PendingRequest.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)
>>>>         at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
>>>> Exception in thread "Timer-4877612" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp$PendingRequest.pduHandleAssigned(Unknown
>>>> Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.MessageDispatcherImpl.sendPdu(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp.sendMessage(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at org.snmp4j.Snmp$PendingRequest.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>         at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)
>>>>         at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
>>>> After rebuilding SNMP4J.jar with debug information I saw that the
>>>> problem was at line 1449 of Snmp.java file:
>>>>         long delay = timeoutModel.getRetryTimeout(target.getRetries() -
>>>>                                                   retryCount,
>>>>                                                   target.getRetries(),
>>>>                                                   target.getTimeout());
>>>> That means the target object was null while trying to retransmit the
>>>> request.
>>>> That can happen only for two reasons: a) PendingRequest of the retry
>>>> action created
>>>> just after the cancellation of the very first PendingRequest (line
>>>> 1487) or,
>>>> the PendingRequest canceled while inside the pduHandleAssigned()
>>>> method.
>>>> The second case can appear only if the main thread gets that object
>>>> from the pendingRequests list (line 811).
>>>> That means the Timer thread had previously managed to execute the
>>>> 1440 line and suspended for a while.
>>>> The problem is that the send() method (line 793) can call the
>>>> cancel() operation on a PendingRequest
>>>> at any time, without taking into consideration if the TimerThread is
>>>> executed.
>>>> A solution can be to first lock the PendingRequest before calling
>>>> setFinished() and cancel() methods.
>>>> Line 811 should also go after the cancellation of the first request
>>>> or else if PendingRequest.run() has started,
>>>> the newly created PendingRequest is left into the pendingRequests
>>>> list for ever.
>>>> I have tested the above solution and I had no problem.
>>>> And something else. At line 810 the wait() method is called.
>>>> Sun advices such calls to be wrapped into a while loop
>>>> (see
>>>> http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/memory.html#17.8.1
>>>> and
>>>> http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#wait()
>>>> links)
>>>> while(syncResponse.response == null)
>>>> {
>>>>    syncResponse.wait();
>>>> }
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> George Tsaloukidis,
>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>> Systems Software Developement
>>>> Intracom Telecom S.A
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> SNMP4J mailing list
>>>> SNMP4J at agentpp.org
>>>> http://lists.agentpp.org/mailman/listinfo/snmp4j
>>> -- 
>>> AGENT++
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> -- 
> http://www.agentpp.com
> http://www.snmp4j.com
> http://www.mibexplorer.com
> http://www.mibdesigner.com


> Index: Snmp.java
> ===================================================================
> --- Snmp.java (revision 459)
> +++ Snmp.java (working copy)
> @@ -804,7 +804,9 @@
>           new PendingRequest(syncResponse, target, pdu, target,
> transport);
>       handle = sendMessage(pdu, target, transport, request);
>       try {
> -        syncResponse.wait();
> +        while (syncResponse.getResponse() == null) {
> +          syncResponse.wait();
> +        }
>         retryRequest = (PendingRequest) pendingRequests.remove(handle);
>         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>           logger.debug("Removed pending request with handle: "+handle);
> @@ -1415,7 +1417,6 @@
>     }
>     private PendingRequest(PendingRequest other) {
> -      other.pendingRetry = true;
>       this.userObject = other.userObject;
>       this.listener = other.listener;
>       this.retryCount = other.retryCount - 1;
> @@ -1427,7 +1428,7 @@
>     }
>     protected void registerRequest(PduHandle handle) {
> -
> +      // overwritten by subclasses
>     }
>     public void responseReceived() {
> @@ -1437,22 +1438,31 @@
>     public synchronized void pduHandleAssigned(PduHandle handle, Object
> pdu) {
>       if (key == null) {
>         key = handle;
> -        pendingRequests.put(handle, this);
> -        registerRequest(handle);
> -        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
> -          logger.debug("Running pending "+
> -                       ((listener instanceof SyncResponseListener) ?
> -                        "sync" : "async")+
> -                       " request with handle " + handle+
> -                       " and retry count left "+retryCount);
> +        // get pointer to target before adding request to pending list
> +        // to make sure that this retry is not being cancelled before we
> +        // got the target pointer.
> +        Target t = target;
> +        if (t != null) {
> +          pendingRequests.put(handle, this);
> +          registerRequest(handle);
> +          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
> +            logger.debug("Running pending " +
> +                         ((listener instanceof SyncResponseListener) ?
> +                          "sync" : "async") +
> +                         " request with handle " + handle +
> +                         " and retry count left " + retryCount);
> +          }
> +          long delay =
> +              timeoutModel.getRetryTimeout(t.getRetries() - retryCount,
> +                                           t.getRetries(),
> +                                           t.getTimeout());
> +          if ((!finished) && (!responseReceived)) {
> +            timer.schedule(this, delay);
> +          }
> +          else {
> +            pendingRequests.remove(handle);
> +          }
>         }
> -        long delay = timeoutModel.getRetryTimeout(target.getRetries() -
> -                                                  retryCount,
> -                                                  target.getRetries(),
> -                                                  target.getTimeout());
> -        if ((!finished) && (!responseReceived)) {
> -          timer.schedule(this, delay);
> -        }
>       }
>     }
> @@ -1478,11 +1488,11 @@
>       }
>       try {
> -        boolean retry;
>         synchronized (pendingRequests) {
> -          retry = (!finished) && (retryCount > 0) && (!responseReceived);
> +          this.pendingRetry =
> +              (!finished) && (retryCount > 0) && (!responseReceived);
>         }
> -        if (retry) {
> +        if (this.pendingRetry) {
>           try {
>             PendingRequest nextRetry = new PendingRequest(this);
>             sendMessage(m_pdu, m_target, m_transport, nextRetry);

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