[SNMP4J] Agent giving report ( unknownEngineIdOID and usmStatsNotInTimeWindows ) every times before giving actual resonse

lalit patel lalitkpatel82 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 10:21:27 CET 2009

Hi all,

I am using SNMPv3 manager. Whenever  I query ( polling interval = 5 minutes)
any agent, it  gives two report PDU  ( namely unknownEngineIdOID and
usmStatsNotInTimeWindows ). As per SNMP protocol this should happen only
once at the time of very first query after that SNMP manager should keep
track of agents. I could not understand why it is happening so ? is it part
of SNMP4j implemenation ?
any suggestion/idea ?

with best regards


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