[SNMP4J] Accessing v3 servers who are ahead in time and UsmTimeTable

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Sat Jan 31 23:08:23 CET 2009


> When trying to access servers service snmp v3 which are in time ahead
> (8-10 hrs) than the sender. I received a bunch of the following messages.
> "CheckTime: received message outside time window (non authorative)"

for SNMPv3 it is no problem, if manager and agent have different times.
But you have a problem if the times on manager and agent are growing at
different speeds and the difference increases by 150 seconds during
runtime of agent and manager.

If you cannot keep the host times in sync or at a stable difference,
your only workaround would be to regularly remove the time information
from the USM time table. But you then lose part of the SNMPv3 security.


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