[SNMP4J] Process PDU not catching messages

Donna Griffin griffin.donna at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 12:05:05 CET 2009

Hi there,

I have created a listener class called trapDump that implements the
commandResponder interface and adds the unimplemented method,
processPDU. However when the class recieves a trap or inform message
it automatically generates a response message to the sender but does
not print the print out statements in the method.

Please find the code attached below@

private void registerForTraps(int port, String community, int version)
	throws IOException
	AbstractTransportMapping transport;
		address=GenericAddress.parse("udp:" + port);
	    if (address instanceof TcpAddress) {
	      transport = new DefaultTcpTransportMapping((TcpAddress) address);
	    else {
	      transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping((UdpAddress) address);
	    ThreadPool threadPool =
	        ThreadPool.create("DispatcherPool", numDispatcherThreads);
	    MessageDispatcher mtDispatcher =
	        new MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher(threadPool, new
	    // add message processing models
	    mtDispatcher.addMessageProcessingModel(new MPv1());
	    mtDispatcher.addMessageProcessingModel(new MPv2c());
	    mtDispatcher.addMessageProcessingModel(new MPv3(localEngineID.getValue()));

	    // add all security protocols

	    Snmp snmp = new Snmp(mtDispatcher, transport);
	    if (version == SnmpConstants.version3) {
	      USM usm = new USM(SecurityProtocols.getInstance(), localEngineID, 0);
	      if (authoritativeEngineID != null) {
	        snmp.setLocalEngine(authoritativeEngineID.getValue(), 0, 0);
	      // Add the configured user to the USM
	      snmp.getUSM().addUser(new OctetString(securityName), new
UsmUser(new OctetString(securityName),
					new OctetString(authPassword),
					new OctetString(privPassword)));	    }
	    else {
	      CommunityTarget target = new CommunityTarget();
	      target.setCommunity(new OctetString(community));
	      this.target = target;
	    System.out.println("Listening on "+address);	

public void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent arg0) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		System.out.println("inside processPdu..." + arg0.getPDU());

What I would expect now is that when the agent recieves the trap or
INFORM message the processPDU method would be called but it is not. I
also ran the examples that came with the distribution and the
statements in the processPDU method is not called there either Can you
help me please!


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